10 Tips To Keep The inner and outer beauty

Unfortunately life is full of toxins. Caffeine, alcohol, processed food (including any kind of bread), canned or prefabricated, salt, sugar, wheat, red meat, pork, fried food, yellow cheese, cream, butter and margarine, butter and more more can cause intoxication. Food poisoning that afflicts our body causes various problems and diseases that can cause colorectal cancer, or other skin problems like acne.

Here are 10 tips to keep our body free of these toxins that cause us harm the newspaper:

1. Recognize that the colon is an important organ that should be cleaned at least 3 times a year to maintain health.
2. Eat a healthy breakfast with hot drinks to raise our bowels in the morning.
3. When going to the bathroom, sit well with his feet at chest level (put a footstool under your feet)
4. Breathe in making the evacuation order not to cause constipation.
5. Increase your fiber intake and drink 6 glasses of water daily.
6. Get used to go to the bathroom when you should really want.
7. Exercisewear: Take time to do a walk to open our digestive tract and eliminate toxins.
8. Avoid fried foods, fatty and spicy foods and healthy increases.
9. While cleaning the colon do not use laxatives.
10. Take a natural and effective supplement to oxygenate and purify your digestive system as Oxy-Powder for colon cleansing.

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