Living longer while increasing physical and mental health

Breathing begins at birth and ends with the last
sigh. The human being is what he eats, he treats this
but he thinks he breathes. Air strengthens, regenerates and
restores the body. Food is essential to
muscles, cells, nerves, brain and blood.

Breathing is the only vital function system dependent
autonomic man can control. Participant
regulating the nervous system, blood circulation,
respiratory function is of course the capital of a point
From a psychological standpoint, the relationship between respiration
and emotional state is more to prove. But in the context of
emotional management, it is important to note that
bilateral relationship is:
The psychic life affects breathing, respiration affects
on the psyche.

Proper breathing has the extraordinary ability to bring us
energy and well-being, while a poor respiration generates
many disorders. It can result from poor posture, a
physical stiffness, anxiety, stress, but most often
a misunderstanding of the process yet so natural breathing.
The regular practice of conscious breathing transforms everything
being, the body as well as the spirit:
posture improves.
Aches and pains become less severe and can even
Self-confidence grows, many things become more
easy to do ...
The brain, the organ most consumer of oxygen, is stimulated
promoting memory and concentration.

Breathing classical effectively reduces capacity
vital, ie the largest volume of air that is
able to enter and exit the lungs. Furthermore it
requesting excessively thoracic respiratory muscles which
divert part of their blood and would not benefit
the same time the rest of the body. The effect would
feel about the performance bottleneck with a precocious acid
highly detrimental to performance.

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